Swansea has introduced a Boat Registration Scheme, as the number of reported incidents of careless and dangerous driving by operators of small speed boats and jetskis has been increasing over the past few years.
The scheme will help to improve safety in congested water areas, and will help to identify drivers of craft who are operating outside the local by-laws or driving their craft in a manner which is dangerous to others.
The powered craft affected by the scheme are all craft with an engine power of 15 h.p. and over.
Details of ownership of the craft are logged with the Council and a yearly registration number is allocated. Two stickers, with the registration number prominent, are issued to craft owners, and these stickers must be displayed on either side of the craft. The yearly scheme runs from 1st April until 31st March.
To be able to launch from our slips these stickers MUST be displayed and it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that the stickers are correctly fixed. Craft must also be covered by third party insurance.
Application forms are available from Knab Rock slip office (please telephone 01792 363705 for opening hours).
General information
As the owner of a motorised craft you have a responsibility towards yourself, your passengers and other users of the water.
Before putting to sea, acquire some basic skills of seamanship, use of safety equipment and boat/engine maintenance.
What to do before setting off
- Check the weather forecast
- Check on the local conditions e.g. tide times, underwater obstructions, by-laws
- Ensure your engine and equipment is well maintained
- Always use fresh fuel
- Wear a life jacket
- Park your vehicle and trailer with care and consideration. Do not obstruct access for other users, particularly the Emergency Services
- Carry flares or other devices for raising the alarm
Be safe afloat
- DO NOT drink and drive! It is as dangerous on the sea as it is on land
- Leave details of where you intend to go and estimated time of return
- Stay at least 100m from shore at the popular bathing beaches. No launching/recovery of craft at Langland or Caswell unless in emergency
- Observe speed limits
- Connect the engine shut-off lanyard if applicable
- Do not allow young children to be in control of powered water craft or speed boats