Booking Form Members 'Community' Minibus Section 19 Transport Act1985

Use of Minibus
Registered and insured for use by members only.
The minibus is not for hire.
Drivers as approved by the Club Committee, who must hold a licence to drive the vehicle and such licence has not been revoked or has held and is not disqualified from holding or obtaining such a licence and provided that the person is driving on the order of or with permission of the Club Committee. The minibus can be booked for use by any member for a shore fishing trip using the booking form or via the Secretary or on Club night. Donations in the order of £5 per passenger per trip plus cost of fuel used are required to cover the cost of using the minibus for the trip.
Registered in February 2006,Peugeot Boxer 350 LX LWB HDI
2178cc Diesel, 16 passenger + driver

Standard Bus Permit
The Club has been granted a standard permit under Section 19 of the Transport Act 1985 in accordance the associated regulations. Only passengers who are members of the Club shall be carried under the this Permit.
Minibus and
Community Bus Permits (Section 19 permits) are issued to
organisations concerned with education, social welfare or other
activities of benefit to the community. They allow certain
organisations, including schools, to make a charge without having to
comply with the full public service vehicle operator requirements and
without the need for the driver to have a PCV (Category D1 or D)
Section 19 permits allow for the service provided to be for the organisations’
own members or for groups of people whom the organisation serves.
Such organisations can charge or accept a form of remuneration for
providing transport at a level to recover some or all of the costs of
running the vehicle, and may even include an allowance for vehicle
depreciation but the service must not be provided to members of the
general public and the charges made must be on a non-profit basis.
This non-profit requirement extends to cover any direct costs
connected with a particular trip such as expenses incurred by
volunteers, but not the wages of any staff involved.